Friday, April 2, 2010
haixxx under depression again weekens are here again!! tuition tuition tuitionSSSS haaxx sux manx arghhhh !! GOOD FRIDAY!! not good at all de! sux manx... though can wake up later but haiz parents at home... keep asking me do hw!!!! arghhhhhhhhh after breakfast jiu do maths till12.30??? then jiu eat lunch then do a while more hw jiu slack haha watched tv and used com till5?? then when wanna watch bai fen bai mother jiu kp me asked me go do maths wth manx i wan my bai fen bai!!!!!!!!!!! fine!!! for the sake of maths test i shall do! did 30 maths questions and i gave up hahahahahahahaha tired tmr gonna wake up early for tuition again! wtfffffffff then got maths tuition after that jiu go weiling hse woohoooo i cant wait for monday! MONDAY MONDAY MONDAY MONDAYMONDAY MONDAY MONDAY MONDAY MONDAY MONDAY MONDAY MONDAY MONDAY MONDAY!!