Friday, January 22, 2010
YES? NO? MAYBE? yesterday... had lesson bla bla bla then at 12.40 is ACB lesson cos me weiling and gx wan go toilet so we asked her um... she was standing outside the class and mr chan still inside so ya then she say go one at a time then we say :huh... she say: ask ur teacher inside us: but nw is ur period leh she: go ask us: ok lor then mr chan said yes then after we came back she jiu say why ur three go toilet together? we were like..... : u ask us ask mr chan de mah she: really? me: duh~~ walan eh she old liao sibo walao then we three sat togethre mah hehe then she say why ur three sit together we: why cannot bla bla bla then lesson atart at 12.55 like tat then at 12.58 she saw us talking walan eh we very soft liao lor then she say ur keep talking talking bla bla bla then say why is ur text book not on ur table very rude sia ur i say teacher we leaving in 2MINS so wad if is two mins i say: sorry infact nw is 1 min _'_ then she jiu nag nag nag sibei wad lor 2mins nia ask me take out book got problem isit who so stupid luh talk out book for 2mins then put back again tink i so free uh CB! then when we going tat time she say wan tell our badminton teacher in charge CB tell luh i scared uh tmd then she ask for our register no. i was like 5! gx: 5,6,9 then she keep repeating sia UR EAR GOT STOPPER SIBO TMD DEAF LIAO SIBO WE SAY SO LOUD STILL CANNOT HEAR GO CHECK UR EAR LUH then she ask weiling wads her no. she was like whispering to andris: 938***** (tats her no.) haha wth luh then after we go liao we keep scolding her sia then serene santhini teck ling xinyi oso keep scolding TMD even they say her teaching sux lor tmd she all read from text book de~ i rether read myself then hear ur voice lor CB ohhhhhhh shit i forget she bo CB !!!! then we jus sibei pissed luh grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr then we go lunch ate a little nia then chatted bla bla bla went tournament played with marsling won 5-0 (: the score go weiling blog see scroll down see her link? ya press tat for the scores then went back school ohh ya senior lost to st nics 1-4 actually can win de lor both the doubles all play till ruber set sia but still lost nvm luh JIAYOUS next tuesday we playing against bowen haha TODAY first period ohh the star period thingy ms thor was super angry cos we change our seats LOL then whole class damn quiet luh did our own stuff then maths period then CE haha ce was fun but......... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr cos my com cant go facebook oso dunno why then use weiling de then i go facebook saw that andy's birthday on sunday so go press his name see his profile and friends then saw one guy quite cute de hehe then click on it then the stupid weiling jiu go ask mr cai do dunno wad luh then my com screen appeared on the big gigantic sceen then everyone was like ohhhhh yangting ur bf ur bf i was like FUCK! then the worst thing was eunice gching go add him as my friend when i dun even know him! wth cb then i was totally.......................... arghhhhhhhhhhh then recess then history then english jiu go home le haix gonna chiong hw~ |