Monday, January 11, 2010
dunno why suddenly feel so moody hahas and i cant believe i thinking abt guys again muahahaha ok~~ TODAY went school bus came late~ PS WEILING MADE U WAITED FOR 20MINS then went up class put bag take tie le jui went down for assembly after that went up hall for a safty talk damn bo liao haix then was chinese wasnt really listening hahas then recess ate with xinyi and sere and weiling and guoxuan cos xinyi say wan BOND BUT~~~~ apprently we didnt bond much were talking abt xinyi and ................ hahas ya then after recess was english ........ funny hahas mr cumming was funny sia omg laugh alot hahas then was maths i tink did alot maths question omg tio shock hahas then end school waited for regine and pass her the posters then went popular with gx and lh when we at the jubilli thr we saw gx ex and his friends then she was like omg omg omg i tink i saw him and stuff hahas then damn hum ji sia she hahas then fang ting came hahas then when we went that time saw them again then her ex point middle finger at her he looks damn angry hahas then fang ting and her went library cos gx dun dare face him then was suppose to walk to mrt with lh then we wan go soo her ex so go popular find him hahas jus walk pass him nia then lh damn bo liao luh totally then after that while walking saw them again ya haha cos i was wondering who taller he or lh then wanted ask him go walk behind him de but then feel damn bad haha then i jiu say eh i tink he taller sia then lh was like damn angry hahas then he started telling me he got one friend damn SHUAI RICH TALL SPORTY i was like wads his no.?? must introduce hor hahas then walk to mrt station le say bye bye jiu bused home(: tmr got training =.= shall end here 8D |