Saturday, December 26, 2009
HOHOHO MERRY CHRISTMAS though is kinda late le hahahs anyway this is how i spent my CHRISTMAS!! morning woke up at 10(: then meet shing e and went hub meet weiling hahas hahas then went kbox(: sang alot songs hahaha then 2 went arcade take neo then SHOPPING woohooo bought 4 pairs of earrings HAPPY~~ hahahs then went home bake pizza and stuff hahahas damn nice then ya thats all then today had tuition from 10 to 2.30 then went eat dessert with daddy then walk home from serangoon to amk sia pro hor somemore heavy rain sia haha then i keep playing with the puddles hahah damn fun sia then whole body wet!! COOL sort of a retard though hahas then went home ya bathe watch tv BLA BLA BLA damn sian haix PPL PLS COOPERATE LEH TELL ME WHETHER UR CAN GO BBQ!! ARGHHH |