Sunday, November 1, 2009
yesterday had hip hop lesson yesterday~~ quite ok luh kinda tired tough... sweat alot manx hahas then after that rain kinda big rain sia then super cold heehee ya then sent shing e home then went home bathe then bathe finish my father jiu say got one cat outside our hse omg!! scary hahas then after that my lao pa go give the cat sth to eat!! hahas then ya thats all TODAY~~ woke up at 10plus then watch wo cai then use com then 3plus went training! at first was kinda tired the running ant stuff omg sibei tired sia pant like siao then play singles with him and shuan his leg like muscle pull or sth like very pain then i like net right then he like dash and receive then his leg become very pain omg!! but he like continue playing hahas then i dun dare make him run much haiz... then afetr that hold his hand once but then he keep telling me to jiayou(: hahas then um... did multiples then i jiao luan wobbly sia hehe then after that plaed singles with shuan got 14 for first set and 13 for second set haiz pathetic then did some dunno how explain luh then my fatehr keep deesiao me hahas then went home and bateh and nw posting and watching ko3anguo(: sibei nice hope it will never end! |