Tuesday, October 27, 2009
WTF nw sibei angry with my brother he sux to the core cb!!! shall not talk abot him he makes my xue ya increase haiz~ kns brother sia!! haiz ok luh a few days never post le sunday had training we late for 30mins sia cos of my bother again he got tuition than reached le he still dun wan open the door!! haiz than i keep scolding than at first never see him de but than when i scolding him jiu saw him omg so embarrasing hahas~~ than after that i stroke with my brother i serve one time he is either hit the net or air ball wth than i need to keep picking the ball wth dui lian man somemore infront of HIM anyway after that coach ask me play doubles with him i was like..... haiz than i like kep hai him sia than he like very moody man he like keep serving... um is either hit net or shot than he like keep screaming than his leg muscle oso pain haiz..... haiz than after tat after tat we still win than he hold my hand again than after that do multiples coach is like.... walao he throw damn fast de lor like jet man hahas but than after than we jiu play 11point singles than i play with him again than i play with him twice.... haha but i only hold his hand for once out of thr two set so in total he hold his hand twice wohoo(: than wan go tat time saw his hot body hahas LOL~~ ok la yesterday took back all the results i sux man totally i fail sci paper maths paper ans drama paper wth haiz than the rest all like 50plus nia but dunno the overall yes hope can help push up the marks luh than afternoon got training we very pathetic sia for the first two hrs we only had 1 court and is shared amoung 14ppl wth is like pathetic sia other school like all hav 3courts like tat... haiz hahahs today~~~ morning went inspire town watch one movie quite nice luh than its like freaking cold de than after tat went to amk hub for pepper lunch tats our recess haas than went back watch finish the movie than do wad poster thingy than jiu go home le ok nw watch ko3anguo shall end here(: |