Friday, October 10, 2008
Hey guys; sry for not updating for such long time hor cos PSLE mah need study lo see i so guai!!! Yesterday so fun went amk hub with jiawen;shing-e and zoey.came back from school for the HMT exam OMG priscilla vomited after the compo exam!!Anyway after that we went home hahaas i watched TV than bathe changed and went to jiawen hse... play play for a while wait for shing-e than went to 7-11 to wait for zoey .She arrived and we bored the bus and went thr, guess wat we went to the food court, found a place, but did not eat anything...haiz wat ever lah but we went to buy 'prata sausage' so nice went up again queue up for neoprints!!! so long man the queue. we saw yanzhen;weilin;and zhexuan thay just came back from swimming.we took our neoprints but when we are decorating our neoprints, the machine spoil than that stupid aunty fix so long than fixed alr, found out that she fixed the wrong side walao anyway than she allow us to take again haha after that we went to popular me and shin-e each bought 4 zig pens yeah spent about $8-9 than went home lor:D 08:55:12 10.10.08 Friday:D |